
Walnut Creek, CA

Position Desired

Software Engineering
Anywhere in the U.S.


Recent Computer Science graduate with work experience in full stack enterprise applications development.
California State University Chico, B.S., Computer Science December 2012
Capstone Senior Project: Android application which allows the user to record start and end times in a database and create a timesheet report from those stored timestamps, includes a widget..

Technical Skills
Ruby on Rails web application development and scripting, C++, Java, Github, jQuery, Coffeescript, Javascript, Zurb Foundation, Oracle 11g, MySql, PL/SQL, Sql Server Reporting Services 2005, Excel, PowerPoint, Word, Google docs, Asana, SSH, FTP, Linux Administration, Lucidchart. Familiar with other Technologies including: Hubot, Puppet, Chef.


California State University Chico, Enterprise Applications, 11/2011 to 12/2012
Technical Assistant

Full stack development of several applications. This includes writing raw SQL queries, writing models and validations including custom search methods, creating routes and developing custom actions in controllers, designing views from scratch and implementing new partials and using javascript to manipulate visual data and enhance the interface in various ways including background ajax requests.

Co-designed, developed, tested, and maintained campus web-based applications.
Prepared application requirements and interface specifications.
Developed alpha version of application from client specifications.
Prepared and held client product demonstrations
Maintained/upgraded applications upon Deployments.
Created databases in Oracle and wrote procedures and packages to maintain and refresh data
Evaluated leading edge technologies and prepared recommendations for senior management
Mentored other student employees in database design and reporting.

Projects | Technologies

PL/SQL package that allows users to backup existing packages to Github using Github’ s oauth system. Utilized Github API v3 to push package information into user’s repositories, and Oracle apex for HTTP/JSON calls to Github API

Omni - Server Tracker
Created a web application for storing meta-data about physical and virtual servers. Converted a Sharepoint list system to a web application with Oracle 11g Database. Expanded initial application to include extended Javascript interface utilizing Coffeescript, jQuery, and Zurb Foundation elements. Designed server index including search function for over 1000 records via an Oracle ma...

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