
Sherburne, NY

Position Desired

Systems Engineering
Anywhere in the U.S.


Summary of Qualifications

• Ten years’ expertise in Microsoft server engineering and administration, and have virtualization experience with VMWare and Citrix.
• Record of improving systems stability, cutting costs and improving IT systems flexibility, and have extensive experience in developing procedures, policies, technical instructions, and presentations.
• Experienced in several systems migration and implementation projects in an enterprise environment including: Novell to Active Directory, Citrix, Cisco CM, Windows server 2003 to server 2008, and disaster recovery technologies.
• An integral team player and leader, who believes that communication and cross training are essential building blocks to a high performance team, who has experience leading project teams, and training staff members.

Professional Experience

M.A. POLCE CONSULTING INC., Rome New York January 2014 – Current
Senior Engineer

Brought into organization to manage and client’s IT infrastructure, while driving revenue and improving the consulting company’s competitive position. Researched, implemented and managed all systems (hardware and software), working closely with clients and their employee’s to understand business needs. Contributions include:
• Maintaining and configuring a variety of environments in manufacturing, law enforcement, local government and municipalities, law firms, nonprofit, financial institutions and small businesses.
• Administered a wide range of Microsoft systems including Active Directory, Windows Server 2003/2008R2/2012, Citrix, Exchange, VMware, VMware Zimbra, file and print services, Barracuda Spam firewall, Barracuda Backup Server and CTERA storage appliances.
• Configured, deployed and managed network storage appliances for multiple client sites. Monitored and maintained local and cloud client backups both disk to tape, disk to disk
• Configured and deployed domain and group policies, and remedied user access issues at multiple sites.

BARKER IT CONSULTING SERVICES INC., Sherburne New York May 2012 – January 2014
Systems Engineer

Craving greater IT exposure, I started my own consulting company, which gained more business simply by word of mouth from satisfied clients around the state of New York. Researched, implemented and managed all systems (hardware and software), working closely with clients and their employee’s to understand business needs. Successes include:
• Performed work for clients, troubleshooting, maintaining and configuring a variety of environments in healthcare, chiropractic, k-12 education, e-commerce and personal computers.
• Rebuilt existing 2003 exchange server environment for a small business/startup in central NY, with a primary site, and a backup site, for a total of five exchange servers.
• Performed data-migration and server commissioning/decommissioning at New Hartford School district through OHM BOCES. Migrated student and teacher data from failing Apple servers to Mac mini servers.
• Built a home virtual network using VMware workstation with multiple sites and domain controllers. Configuring Active Directory, domain policies, group policies, DNS forward and reverse look-up zones, 2003 exchange servers, and several test user accounts spread out across the sites.

PREFERRED MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, New Berlin New York August 2008 – April 2012
Systems Administrator/Help Desk

Hired as an IBM mainframe operator, my talents with server and systems administration was quickly realized, and was promoted to support the companies IT infrastructure. Accomplishments include:
• Worked with vendors on price negotiations which on average saved the company $200 - $300 dollars when purchasing servers, workstations and laptops.
• Helped move the company off from their failing Novell infrastructure to a modern Microsoft Active Directory environment, moving the users, network shares, and desktops.
• Worked with Symantec vendor to do a complete standup of a Altiris environment, including the advanced configurations of the servers, pushing out the clients to all workstations and laptops, configured the patch and system image automation using VB and Batch scripts, configured and maintain...

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