
Oakton, VA

Position Desired

Electrical Engineering
Anywhere in the U.S.


Daniel Y. Koh
DanielYKoh at gmail

Temple University, College of Engineering (Philadelphia, PA)
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (GPA: 3.20)
2LT of U.S. Army Reserve, 410th BDE Signal CO
Active Secret Clearance

Ultrasonic Distance Sensor (Microprocessor Systems)
• Designed an ultrasonic distance sensor with AVR Butterfly, an 8-bit microcontroller, and PING))) ultrasonic distance sensor that detects an object and measures/displays its distance. The programming Language, C, was utilized to connect pins/ports, send/receive an ultrasonic burst, and compile an algorithm.
• The sensor accurately measured an object up to 2.8 meters. However, it was unable to distinguish one target from another as the detection was indiscriminatory. The sensor could have improved by filtering echoes that are below the intensity threshold.
Eye-Tracking Hardware and Software (Senior Design Project)
• Hardware – modified a PS3 Eye, a motion-detecting camera, by removing an IR filter and installing a visible light filter in order to eliminate the lighting problem.
• Software (C++) – Applied Gaussian Blur, a low-pass filter, to eliminate image noises and details; the function clearly defines the boundary of a pupil by equalizing all its pixels’ intensity. Afterward, the filtered frames are converted to black and white to detect the pupil in real-time image processing.
Behavior of Microwaves/Radio Frequency (Independent Project)
• Researched the behavior of microwave using the RF as their properties and behaviors are similar. Various types of equipment such as attenuator, series and parallel circuits, waveguide horns, and steel plates to determine the behavior of waves.
TCP/IP (Data and Computer Communication)
• Designed a TCP/IP network programming that delivers packets containing the source port, destination port, sequence number, acknowledgement number, header length, checksum using CRC, segment length, and Time to Live. A custom program injected a bit error rate ranging from 0 to 1 to test the checksum.
• PIC32, embedded system, and the PC successfully exchanged packets according to the sequence and acknowledgement number. In addition, any bit that the custom program affected was corrected by the CRC algorithm.
Object Detection Tracking Algorithm (Independent Project)
• Designed an object detection and tracking algorithm with an OpenCV library in C.
• Detected and outlined multiple objects in...

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